Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is being healthy? Pics from last week's Cindy Lai Fitness bootcamps

Despite the heat, humidity, rain and the heavy air, Cindy Lai Fitness bootcampers roughed it out and came to class ready to kick ass!! Like real troopers, everyone came ready to work and brought their energy after a hard day of work or woke their butts up on an early Saturday morning. Good job to you all!! That kind of discipline will keep you healthy and happy in the long run. Being healthy is a lifestyle, not something you tend to once in a blue moon. The more you discipline yourself and learn to balance what's important in your life, the better you will feel!

I hear excuses day in and day out. I'm tired too, sometimes dont feel like working out, no energy, it's too hot, etc, etc. If I operated like that all the time, I'd fall apart!! Between training private clients, bootcamp, working out, maintaining my blog, marketing, errands, social life..I barely have time to sleep! I'm a workaholic by nature and am basically working 24/7 running around like a madwoman. By no means do I expect anyone to be like me, but I absolutely believe in good work ethics. Us New Yorkers never have enough time for anything, but if it's important to you, you WILL make the time to be healthy in your mind, body and soul. Life is all about balance. Of course, if you look good, you feel good too ;-)

So, Rock on!! Keep up the good work but remember to give yourself a break every now and then to rest up. See you next week!

Here are some pics from the bootcamps this past week. Impressive!!

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