Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Independence Wknd Kettlebell Bootcamp 7/3

Are you prepared for the 4th? How hard have you been working this week? Many of you will be having bbq's or will be consuming a ton of food and alcohol...If you haven't gotten a head start, you need to put in your time! You have 3 more days and plenty of work to do! Be Strict with yourself this week, EARN your July 4th meal!! It's all about balance! If you don't want to feel guilty adding all those calories this weekend, get your cardio and weights in at least 3x, eat healthier and cleaner meals throughout the week. On the day of your foodfest, do your cardio or a combination of weights, bodyweight exercises that morning! If you happen to overeat or overdrink, the next day...cardio first thing within the hour you wake up in order to burn the most calories! Reward yourself, but make sure you work to get there!

Otherwise, you can come to my Kettlebell bootcamp which will be held this Friday July 3rd @11a instead of Saturday for some extra calorie burning, sweat-dripping, heart-pumping, super intense workout!! Time to Burn! It will be held at our usual Saturday location on West Side Highway and Charles Street Pier 46. Take the 1 or Path to Christopher St, walk West to West Side Hway and South to Charles St-grassy area to left, or Take the A,C,E,L to 14th St&8th.Walk West tp Hgwy,North to Charles, *SPACE IS LIMITED SO YOU MUST reserve ahead*

We had a great Kettlebell class last Saturday. Everyone rocked!!! Between the heat and the workout, everyone kept up! Good job guys!


  1. Awesome bootcamp Cindy! Kettle Bells kick ass- but not as much as you! Great pics too :)

  2. Your kettle bell exercises are challenging and fun! Keep it coming, Cindy!

  3. Yes, it is true - fitness can be fun - as long as it is with Cindy...and nowhere else will you find a trainer who really cares about your success - whether it is diet, exercise or overall well-being. Thank you Cindy!
